Monday, December 3, 2007

New Play Project presents AMERICA!!!

You've waited for it, and now it's here!! This weekend the New Play Project presents AMERICA: six attempts to define her good, her bad and her silly. Performing at the Provo Theatre Company ( 105 N 100 E) this Friday at 7:oo pm and Saturday at 3:30 and 7:oo pm. Tickets are only $5.

I've got to tell you, this set of plays will be amazing! And I'm only slightly biased. We've got four plays that are just hilarious, from one about a Slow News Day to one featuring psychologically flawed Superheroes. But the evening is not all fun and games, we do have two serious plays, two plays written about September 11th. One is written by a man who grew up in the Bronx, about his family's experiences on that day, and the other is about the Survivor's Guild founded after the attacks, but with a very interesting twist at the end.

For our last play festival of the year, in our first play festival taking place in the Provo Theatre Company, these are some of our best plays. I, for one, am very excited. Tell all your friends to be there, you won't regret it!!

Monday, November 19, 2007

Playwright, Take two

So, Right on the heels of my first playwriting experience, comes my next play. This one's a little more upbeat, a lot funnier. It's a comedy. I call it The Blind Daters, and it's about ... well, blind daters. A guy and a girl in an Italian restaurant who experience a series of blind dates. it should be funny.

so, without much further ado, here's the opening monologue and the first scene.



Hello, and welcome to my little Italian Restaurant. No, I don’t own it, I’m just the waiter. Joe’s my name, Joe Sharpiro.

You know, I’ve been a waiter here for quite a while now, and I think I’ve pretty much seen it all. I know all about love and dates and all that jazz. It seems like they always come to the Italian restaurant for their first date, or their blind date, or whatever. What is it about Italian food that makes people think of romance? I would say that Chinese food, or maybe even Mexican is just as romantic, when you really think about it. I mean, food is food; it’s the atmosphere you create with your conversation or whatever that makes a date romantic or not, not what you’re eating, but that’s just my opinion.

But you know, Love is a funny thing. I’ve seen so many couple come in here and I’ve seen so many couples leave. Usually they leave with the same person they came in with, but that’s not always the case. And sometimes those that come in together, leave all by themselves. It’s sad, but it happens. And I’m not really sure why it happens. That’s something about love that I’ve never quite understood. Why is it that some people just click right off the bat, and others don’t? Is there such a thing as ‘love at first sight’, or is it a matter of how much effort a person is willing to invest in a relationship? I guess, when I get right down to it, I’ve kinda seen a little of both happen right here in my restaurant. But why does it happen that way?

I don’t know, I’m no expert. But then, I’ve never claimed to be. I’m just a waiter.

(Curtain opens. Scene is an Italian restaurant. Stage is set with two tables, one stage right, the other stage left. On the left side of the stage left table sits James, a young man, mid 20’s. On the right side of the stage right table sits Kate, a young girl, mid 20’s.)


(Enter young girl from stage right, crosses to stage left and sits down opposite James.)


(Stands as she sits, then sits) So, you must be Ashley.

Girl 1

Um, my name is Audrey, actually.


Oh! Oh, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean … I’m just … I don’t know what happened.

Girl 1

Don’t worry about it. It’s no big deal.


It’s just that I don’t usually mess up names like that. I’m usually very good about that. I don’t know what happened.

Girl 1

Seriously, don’t worry about it. I’m fine.


You’re name is Audrey! I should have known. You look just like her.

Girl 1



Hepburn. Audrey Hepburn, you know? You look just like her.

Girl 1

I don’t think I know who that is? Was she famous?


Are you serious? You don’t know who Audrey Hepburn is? She was one of the most beautiful actresses to ever make a movie! I almost guarantee your dad was in love with her, you’re more than likely named after her.

Girl 1

Oh, what’s she done? Anything recent that I would have seen?


No, nothing recent, she died in ‘93. But she’s been in some real classics. You know, My Fair Lady and Breakfast at Tiffany’s, Sabrina. Classic films.

Girl 1

Oh, I’ve never seen any of those films. I don’t think I’ve even heard of them.


Wow. I find it hard to believe that you’ve never heard of My Fair Lady or Breakfast at Tiffany’s.

Girl 1

Are you calling me a liar? I don’t think I appreciate where this conversation is going.


No, I didn’t mean that. I just speak sometimes before I’ve really thought it through.

Girl 1

Look, you don’t have to treat me like an idiot, just because I’ve never seen a couple dumb movies with an old, dead chick in them!


But, wait. That’s the point. She’s not just an old, dead chick. It’s Audrey Hepburn we’re talking about! Audrey Hepburn!!

Girl 1

Well, I’m not going to sit here and take this. I’m sorry, but I think I should go. (Stands and leaves stage R)


Well, that didn’t exactly go as planned. I love blind dates! (sarcastically)


(Enters, to stage center, maybe holding a tray or something waiter-ish)

Well, It looks like they’ve got nothing in common. Not even Breakfast at Tiffany’s!


Well, that's it so far, whattaya think? Let me know, i thrive on feedback.

-Teeps, The Bard of Stratford-on-Provo.

Friday, November 16, 2007

New Job!!

So, i'm so happy now!! Today I got myself a job!! I now work for the LDS Church in the IT department. So yes, i work a computer tech help desk. It's gonna be great, i think. And they hired me because they're hoping to expand to be able to receive German calls. And that would be my job. I'm excited, but of course, fielding calls from Germany would mean that my work schedule would be weird, since Germany is about 7 hours ahead of us, but that's okay, i would get to speak German. It should be fun, I'm looking forward to it.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Nobler in the Mind

So, after a long wait and much anticipation, here it is! The full version of my short play. Any comments or feedback on it will be much appreciated.

Nobler in the Mind: A Play in Two Acts

John Nobler

(enters in front of the curtain, crosses to downstage center)

Good Evening, and welcome to our theatre, our show, my mind. For I am John Nobler and I invite you all to enter my mind and look around, and see if you find anything interesting. I have prepared for you tonight a scene or two from my life, events that have shaped me, and made me who I am. I have fictionalized them a bit, but that doesn’t matter. I mean, what is the real difference between Fact and Fiction? Between Life and Art? Some say Life imitates Art, and others maintain that Art is an imitation of Life. Well, which is it? I don't think it's either. I say, Life is Life, and Art is Art. And if there is a similarity between the two, it is only because the Artist is also Alive, and he infuses his Art with a part of his Life and invites others to look at his Artistic Life and find a resemblance to their own.
Life isn't really like a movie, when you really think about it. But maybe that's why we like movies so much. We get enough real life out there in real life; we don't want to have to watch it when we go to the movies. We go to the movies for a chance to escape, for a chance to forget our own ugly, brutish, nasty, short lives, and a chance to pretend, if only for a moment, that life could be great. We long to believe that the good guys always win. We long to believe that the underdog can triumph. We long to believe that True Love can be found. And we are willing to overlook the small details; we are willing to suspend our disbelief. Because we all know True Love doesn't happen everyday. But honestly, we wouldn't want it to. Life is complicated enough without worrying about that.
And so, with those thoughts running rampant through your minds, we start our show. Sit back, relax, and enjoy it, just please don't fall asleep, Life and Art deserve a little better than that. Thank you. The stage is set, the actors take their places, and the play begins.

(Exits stage right, curtain opens, revealing the inside of a small chapel. It should be so set that the audience feels that they are sitting in the last row of the church, watching. The scene is a funeral, perhaps there are a few pictures of a young man, mid twenties. A preacher stands at the pulpit.)


Dear friends and family, relatives and loved ones, today we remember and respect our dearly departed Justin Peters. This athlete, musician, friend, brother, son meant so much to each of us. His life has influenced each of ours in such a way, like no one else’s could. He was, unfortunately, taken from us all too soon. His life was short, but his soul was big, and his impact on the world, on our world, even greater. He will be sorely missed.

But we who remain, we who are left now find ourselves facing a dilemma. We must ask ourselves some very difficult questions. What is life? Why must young men die? Is there a God, and does He really care? But we are not alone in asking these questions. Mankind has asked himself these questions and similar ones since the beginning of time. And must we remain without answer? Are the Heavens silent on this subject? Will God not reveal Himself and His plan to men??

The answer is … He will and He does. We have the words of Holy Prophets, written in scripture to comfort our souls in such troubled and troubling times. From Isaiah we learn ….

(While preacher continues to mouth a few words, a woman stands up from her seat, turns and walks downstage. The curtain closes behind her.)


I loved that boy. Even with everything he did, I loved him. And now he’s gone. (Pause) They say your life flashes before your eyes just before you die. And I don’t know if that happened to my Justin, but it certainly happened to me. He’s gone, but I see his life flashing before me. I remember him.

(Enter Father, as if holding a new-born child, crosses to mother)


Look, honey, isn’t he beautiful? Look at our son!


I’m sure he’ll grow up to be big and tall, just like his father.


Just as long as he’s as smart as his mother!

(Exits stage R, A tricycle is pushed and rolls across the stage from Stage R to Stage L, Father enters following it)


Look at our little speed demon go! He’s growing up so fast!

(Exits Stage L, reenters with a baseball glove, crosses to center stage where he catches a baseball thrown from off stage)


Quite an arm that kid has! Catch this one, son!

(Throws the ball back, and exits, following it. Reenters, crosses to Mother, standing next to her)


Well, I gave him the car keys, and he took off with some friends. They’ll be back later.


Will they be all right?


It’s his birthday; let him have some fun with his friends. They’ll be fine.

(Exits Stage R, reenters with a camera)


So, our little boy is graduating today. He looks so grown up in his cap and gown. Come over here son, and stand next to your mother.

(Mother puts her arm around her “son”, and smiles as Father takes a picture, perhaps saying something like “Smile” or “Say cheese!”. Father then puts his arm around his “son” and exits Stage L. Reenters, crosses slowly to Mother, and puts his arm around her.)


He’s gone. The doctors did all they could to help him, but there wasn’t much that they could do. He’s gone. Our boy is gone.

(Exits Stage L slowly,)

(Mother steps forward)


Our boy is gone. (Pause) But I’m still remembering.

(Curtain opens, and she returns to her seat.


(stands up, walks downstage) I didn’t really know him, not really. I mean, sure, we hung out together some, played some video games together, were on the same team at school. But, he was always more a friend of a friend than actually a friend of mine, know what I mean? But still, I knew him, even if we hadn’t seen each other since we graduated. (Pause)

I still can’t believe he’s gone. It happened so suddenly, none of us expected it. But then, it wasn’t really all that surprising, either. I mean, the way he died. I think Barnes said it best, - When Justin died, the newspaper talked to all his old running buddies from high school, and Barnes told them he was so shocked to hear that he had died, but not so shocked to hear how he died, in an accident like that. Pete was always so full of life, trying to do a little bit more, go a little bit further, have a little bit more fun.

Having fun and pushing limits like that – it’s probably exactly how Justin wanted to go. (Pause) But definitely not when. (Returns to his seat.)


(stands, walks downstage) So many memories. Coming back here, seeing everybody again. I wish we could all just sit around and talk about the old days forever. But it kinda seems wrong, though, laughing at the old stories when we’re here for Justin’s funeral. Everybody’s walking around so somber, they seem so depressed, and here we are laughing our heads off at Jimmy’s classic penguin impression! (laughs slightly)

You know, we’ve known each other since elementary school, Justin and I. We even dated. I had a great time whenever I was with him. He never failed to make me smile. He was just so much fun to be with. That’s why I don’t think it’s all that bad that we laugh and have a good time at his funeral. I’m sure he would have wanted it that way. Heck, if he were here, he’d probably be making the most jokes, and definitely the most vulgar ones.

Funerals are funny in that regard. I mean, sure we’re sad that he’s dead, that we won’t get to hear any of his jokes again, won’t get to talk with him, but aren’t we supposed to be here to remember him? And remembering him makes me laugh, is there anything wrong with that? I don’t think so. I think the best tribute I can give to my dear old friend and the boy that I loved is to laugh for him. To remember his jokes and laugh for him. So, Justin, if you’re listening, this one’s for you. (laughs)

John Nobler

(curtain closes, Enter from Stage R)

All in all, it was a nice weekend, considering the circumstances. It was kinda nice to see everyone again, to catch up, and remember the old times. It was great to see how much some friends had changed, and to see that certain friends hadn’t changed at all.

But we were all there to mourn Justin, to pay our respects, as they say. It was a sobering experience. To think that one of our friends was dead, and at such a young age, too. That’s life, I guess. The same moment can be filled with a million different emotions. So, how do we deal with it? How do we keep from exploding with all of these simultaneous emotions inside? I honestly don’t know. Maybe that’s partly the reason why I wrote this play. To allow me to deal with this. To allow you to deal with it through me, as well, perhaps. Is it working? (Exits)


Curtain opens to reveal the exact same set, the inside of the church.

Justin Peters

(Enters from upstage R)

It’s a really unique experience – being at your own funeral. You should try it some time. It’s odd, though, to hear so many good things said about me. I’m pretty sure half of that wasn’t true, I’m not that good am I? But I guess it makes them feel better to eulogize me like that. And that’s a funny word, eulogy – from the Greek “to speak well”, well, they certainly spoke well of me. (Pause)

And I still don’t think I was really that good. I’ve had some time to think about that lately. I remember what I learned in Sunday School: that when you die, you stand before God to be judged. Well, obviously I’m still alive – or maybe alive isn’t the right word – awake? Aware! Yeah, I’m still conscious and aware of what’s going on, here. Is that what it is to be dead? Do I still have time? Time for repentance, or forgiveness, or … or anything? I don’t know, but I guess I have some time to find out.

(Enter Angelos from Stage L)


So, Justin, are you ready to go now?


What do you mean?


Well, you got to see your funeral. You’ve hung around long enough. It’s time to go.


Who are you?


Call me Angelos, I’m here to show you where to go.


Oh. (Pause) So, is there a God?


I can’t tell you that. You have to decide for yourself.


What do you mean? I’m dead now, aren’t I?


Given the fact that we just witnessed your funeral, I’d say the chances are pretty good.


So, don’t I get to find out now if there’s a God or not?


Is knowing whether or not there’s a God going to change your belief in him? Is knowing going to affect how you lived your life? (Pause) Honestly, knowing doesn’t change much at all.


(Starts to exit Stage L, following Angelos. Stops as he sees Louisa.)

Look at her. I loved her, you know. I really loved her. And now I’ll never see her again. I’ll never hear her sing again, or sit next to her late at night and simply watch the stars and the lights across the lake.


Come on, Justin. Let’s go.


Louisa, I hope you have a great life. I hope you have fun. Please, remember the times we had, and not the times we won’t.


That was beautiful. Well spoken.


Well, I guess I’m ready now. (Exits Stage L, just before exiting, stops and looks back) You know, I guess the Beatles were right. “Obladi, Oblada, Life goes on, bra, la la la day, Life goes on.” (Exits. Lights out.)


so...? whattaya think? Let me know, and i promise not to be too upset at the criticism.


Wednesday, October 17, 2007

I'm an actor, you know. An Actor.

So, we had a very successful run of Thorns and Thistles last weekend, What a great show. It's kinda funny, last night I was sitting at home, sure that I was supposed to be somewhere, but i didn't have rehearsals anymore. That's the two-edged sword of theatre, it's so much fun, but takes so much time. Now that i'm between shows, i have time again in the evenings, but i don't get to hang out with all the cool kids i met through New Play Project.
But, with the thrill of the theatre still fresh in my heart, and with a new job as Technical Director of New Play Project, i took some time to work on my own play. My goal, then, by the time i graduate from BYU is to have been involved in NPP in every aspect, from audience member, to actor, to tech director, to writer, and maybe even director. That'd be fun, and really round out my range of theater skills.
So, to any who care, here is the first half of my play i call Nobler in the Mind.

Nobler in the Mind

John Nobler (enters in front of the curtain, crosses to downstage center): Good Evening, and welcome to our theatre, our show, my mind. For I am John Nobler and I invite you all to enter my mind and look around, and see if you find anything interesting. I have prepared for you tonight a few scenes from my life, a few events that have shaped me, and made me who I am. I have fictionalized them a bit, but that is of no matter. I mean, what is the real difference between Fact and Fiction? Between Life and Art? Some say Life imitates Art, and others maintain that Art is an imitation of Life. Well, which is it? I don't think it's either. I say, Life is Life, and Art is Art. And if there is a similarity between the two, it is only because the Artist is also Alive, and he infuses his Art with a part of his Life and invites others to look at his Artistic Life and find a resemblance to their own.
Life isn't really like a movie, when you really think about it. But maybe that's why we like movies so much. We get enough real life out there in real life; we don't want to have to watch it when go to the movies. We go to the movies for a chance to escape, for a chance to forget our own ugly, brutish, nasty, short lives, and a chance to pretend, if only for a moment, that life could be great. We long to believe that the good guys always win. We long to believe that the underdog can triumph. We long to believe that True Love can be found. And we are willing to overlook the small details; we are willing to suspend our disbelief. Because we all know True Love doesn't happen everyday. But honestly, we wouldn't want it to. We have enough problems with our normal, everyday variety of love; we don't want to complicate that further by adding that capital letter in True. And perhaps it is the effort, the time and energy involved in these normal, everyday loves which make them all the more interesting and real. And perhaps it is even all of this effort, this constant give-and-take and working together which takes the normal, everyday variety of love and turns it into a True Love, with an emphasis on the capital letters. It doesn't happen in the course of a 30-minute sitcom or a 90-minute movie. And that is why it is special. Because we make it so.
And so, with those thoughts running rampant through your minds, we start our show. Sit back, relax, and enjoy it, just please don't fall asleep, Life and Art deserve a little better than that. Thank you. The stage is set, the actors take their places, and the play begins.

(Exits stage right, curtain opens, revealing the inside of a small chapel. It should be so set that the audience feels that they are sitting in the last row of the church, watching. The scene is a funeral, perhaps there are a few pictures of a young man, mid twenties. A preacher stands at the pulpit.)

Preacher: Dear friends and family, relatives and loved ones, today we remember and respect our dearly departed Justin Peters. This athlete, musician, friend, brother, son meant so much to each of us. His life has influenced each of ours in such a way, like no one else’s could. He was, unfortunately, taken from us all too soon. His life was short, but his soul was big, and his impact on the world, on our world, even greater. He will be sorely missed.

But we who remain, we who are left now find ourselves facing a dilemma. We must ask ourselves some very difficult questions. What is life? Why must young men die? Is there a God, and does He really care? But we are not alone in asking these questions. Mankind has asked himself these questions and similar ones since the beginning of time. And must we remain without answer? Are the Heavens silent on this subject? Will God not reveal Himself and His plan to men??

The answer is … He will and He does. We have the words of Holy Prophets, written in scripture to comfort our souls in such troubled and troubling times. From Isaiah we learn ….

(While preacher continues to mouth a few words, a woman stands up from her seat, turns and walks downstage. The curtain closes behind her.)

Mother: I loved that boy. Even with everything he did, I loved him. And now he’s gone. (Pause) They say your life flashes before your eyes just before you die. And I don’t know if that happened to my Justin, but it certainly happened to me. He’s gone, but I see his life flashing before me. I remember him.

(Enter Father, as if holding a new-born child, crosses to mother)

Father: Look, honey, isn’t he beautiful? Look at our son!

Mother: I’m sure he’ll grow up to be big and tall, just like his father.

Father: Just as long as he’s as smart as his mother! (Exits stage R, A tricycle is pushed and rolls across the stage from Stage R to Stage L, Father enters following it)

Father: Look at our little speed demon go! He’s growing up so fast! (Exits Stage L, reenters with a baseball glove, crosses to center stage where he catches a baseball thrown from off stage)

Father: Quite an arm that kid has! Catch this one, son! (Throws the ball back, and exits, following it. Reenters, crosses to Mother, standing next to her)

Father: Well, I gave him the car keys, and he took off with some friends. They’ll be back later.

Mother: Will they be all right?

Father: It’s his birthday, let him have some fun with his friends. They’ll be fine. (Exits Stage R, reenters with a camera)

Father: So, our little boy is graduating today. He looks so grown up in his cap and gown. Come over here son, and stand next to your mother.

(Mother puts her arm around her “son”, and smiles as Father takes a picture, perhaps saying something like “Smile” or “Say cheese!”. Father then puts his arm around his “son” and exits Stage L. Reenters, crosses slowly to Mother, and puts his arm around her.)

Father: He’s gone. The doctors did all they could to help him, but there wasn’t much that they could do. He’s gone. Our boy is gone. (Exits Stage L slowly, visibly upset)

(Mother steps forward)

Mother: Our boy is gone. (Pause) But I’m still remembering. (Curtain opens, and she returns to her seat.)

Matt: ( stands up, walks downstage) I didn’t really know him, not really. I mean, sure, we hung out together some, played some video games together, were on the same team at school. But, he was always more a friend of a friend than actually a friend of mine, know what I mean? But still, I knew him, even if we hadn’t seen each other since we graduated. (Pause)

I still can’t believe he’s gone. It happened so suddenly, none of us expected it. But then, it wasn’t really all that surprising, either, I mean, the way he died. I think Barnes said it best, - When Justin died, the newspaper talked to all his old running buddies from high school, and Barnes told them he was so shocked to hear the he had died, but not so shocked to hear how he died, in an accident like that. Pete was always so full of life, trying to do a little bit more, go a little bit further, have a little bit more fun.

Having fun and pushing limits like that – it’s probably exactly how Justin wanted to go. (Pause) But definitely not when. (Returns to his seat.)

Louisa: (stands, walks downstage) So many memories. Coming back here, seeing everybody again. I wish we could all just sit around and talk about the old days forever. But it kinda seems wrong, you know, laughing at the old stories when we’re here for Justin’s funeral. Everybody’s walking around so somber, they seem so depressed, and here we are laughing our heads off at Jimmy’s classic penguin impression! (laughs slightly)

You know, we've known each other since elementary school, Justin and I. I had a great time whenever I was with him. He never failed to make me smile. He was just so much fun to be with. That’s why I don’t think it’s all that bad that we laugh and have a good time at his funeral. I’m sure he would have wanted it that way. Heck, if he were here, he’d probably be making the most jokes, and definitely the most vulgar ones.

Funerals are funny in that regard. I mean, sure we’re sad that he’s dead, that we won’t get to hear any of his jokes again, won’t get to talk with him, but aren’t we supposed to be here to remember him? And remembering him makes me laugh, is there anything wrong with that? I don’t think so. I think the best tribute I can give to my dear old friend and the boy that I loved is to laugh for him. To remember his jokes and laugh for him. So, Justin, if you’re listening, this one’s for you. (laughs)

John Nobler: (walks downstage, curtain closes behind him) All in all, it was a nice weekend, considering the circumstances. It was kinda nice to see everyone again, to catch up, to remember the old times. It was great to see how much some friends had changed, and to see that certain friends hadn’t changed at all.

But we were all there to mourn Justin, to pay our respects, as they say. It was a sobering experience. To think that one of our friends was dead, and at such a young age, too. (MORE)


Curtain opens to reveal the exact same set, the inside of the church.

Justin Peters: (Enters from upstage R) It’s a really unique experience – being at your own funeral. You should try it some time! It’s odd, though, to hear so many good things said about me. I’m pretty sure half of that wasn’t true, I mean, I’m not that good am I? But I guess it makes them feel better to eulogize me like that. And that’s a funny word, eulogy – from the Greek “to speak well”, well, they certainly spoke well of me. (Pause)

And I still don’t think I was really that good. I’ve had some time to think about that lately. I remember what I learned in Sunday School : when you die , you stand before God to be judged. Well, obviously I’m still alive – or maybe alive isn’t the right word – awake? Aware! Yeah, I’m still conscious and aware of what’s going on, is that what it is to be dead? Do I still have time? Time for repentance, or forgiveness, or … or anything? I don’t know, but I guess I have some time to find out.

Hope you enjoyed, i enjoyed writing it. I'll be working on the second half, then have it workshopped by the lovely people over at New Play Project, and hopefully it'll be produced sometime soon!
Catch you all lator, and don't forget, "The Play's the thing!"

Monday, September 17, 2007

The Blind Daters

so, here is a part of a play that i've been working on. I call it The Blind Daters, and it's about, well, a couple who go on a series of blind dates with random people, at the same Italian restaurant, until hey eventually try one with each other. It almost works, they seem so perfect for each other, but something's not quite right, and the guy excuses himself and leaves. She then talks a bit with the waiter and they go off to an Irish pub together, anything NOT Italian, and the guy comes back on and gives a closing monologue to the audience.

So, here is the opening monologue and introduction by the waiter, and then a scene between the girl and one of her dates. I had a lot of fun writing this.

Joe: Hello and welcome to my little Italian restaurant. No, I don't own it, I'm, just the waiter here. My name's Joe, Joe Sharpiro.
You know, I've been working here for quite a while, and I think I've pretty much seen it all. I know all about love. It seems like they always go to an Italian restaurant for their first date, or their blind date, or whatever. What is it about Italian restaurants that makes everyone think of romance? I mean, i think Chinese food, or maybe even Mexican food is just as romantic, but that;s just me.
But, love is a funny thing. I've seen a lot of couples come in here, and I've seen a lot of couples leave. Usually they leave with the same person they came in with, but that's not always the caase. And sometimes those that come in together, leave all by themselves. It's sad, but it happens. And I'm not really sure why, that's something about love that I've never quite understood. Why is it that some people just click, right off the bat, and others don't? Is there such a thing as love at first sight, or is love a matter of how much effort one is willing to invest in a relationship? I dunno. I've seen some couples laugh and talk all evening, but the very next week, they're in here with someone completely different. And I've seen couples who barely say a word to each other come back again and again, always in silence.
I don't know, I'm no expert at love, but then, I've never claimed to be. I'm just a waiter at the little Italian restaurant down the street.

Act One, Scene (something)

Kate: Hi there, I'm Kate.
Guy: I'm Paul, pleased to meet you. (sits)
Kate: So...
Paul: So...
Kate: How was your day?
Paul: (At the same time) Do you come here often?
Kate: (laughing) I'm sorry, you go first.
Paul: (At the same time)(laughing) I'm sorry, you go.

Paul: (tentatively) So . . . (sees that Kate's not talking, and continues) Do you come here often?
Kate: Actually, yes. It's really a nice place, and not too far from home. The waiters are nice. And yourself?
Paul: I've nly been here once before. (Beat) Also on a blind date.
Kate: Really, how'd that go?
Paul: Um.. well, (pauses hesitantly, then smiles as if remembering something fondly) It was great. The girls was beautiful, the food was delicious, the evening was wonderful . . . I couldn't have planned it better . . . until . . . (trails off)
Kate: Until what?
Paul: Until . . . well, you don't want to hear about my failed date. Something happened that I should've foreseen, should've done something about, should've said something, but . . .
Kate: But . . .
Paul: But I remained silent and she walked away. (Beat) Anyway, enough about me and my shortcomings. What about you? Wait, I mean, I didn't mean to talk about your shortcomings, i just meant . . .
Kate: It's okay, I knew what you meant. You want me to talk about me for a while, so you can sit there and remember the girl you let get away.
Paul: I didn't meant it . . .
Kate: Don't worry about it. I know that look on your face and what it means. You're not the first blind date I've been on either, and definitely not the first one I've had at this place. You see, i haven't found that amazing someone yet, the someone who makes you smile when you only think about remembering them. I guess I'm still waiting.
And I know that you and I would probably have a great time tonight, laugh a bit, heck, you may even get a second date out of me if you really tried, but I also know that the entire time you'll be thinking about her. Secretly, silently comparing me to her, and you've idealized her so much by now that I'm not sure even she could live up to the expectations.
But don't worry, I don't mind. If there's someone you care about that much, you've got to at least try to get a second chance, Go. Have fun, And Paul, . . .
Paul: Yeah?
Kate: Good luck.
Paul: Thanks, and . . . Thank you, for everything. (stands, shakes her hand, and exits)

Friday, August 31, 2007

A New Novel Idea

It seems that all of the epic stories begin the same way: a young, inconsequential Someone finds an important Something and is swept away on a whirlwind Quest, usually to vanquish some Evil or other. I wish that I could say that my story is different, but it is not. I was born, so they tell me, in the seventh year of the reign of King Karlharrd, though I don’t remember anything of my life before the Library. I am a Scholar, a monk charged with the reading, writing, and remembering of our sacred history. It is a job that I enjoy, until the day that I found out the truth behind the Evil that exists in our day.

And that's the intro. More to come, hopefully, as I write it.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

"Some people want to fill the world with silly love songs...."

"What's wrong with that, I'd like to know, 'cause here I go again!" -Silly Love Songs, by Paul McCartney

I can still hear you singing when I close my eyes at night,
The songs you know we used to love,
I can't help but be thinking, when I sit alone all night,
That you were like an angel from above.

You came into my life that night, I thought it was a dream,
But you were real, and really quite a girl,
I can't believe that you weren't right, love wasn't what it seemed,
And in the end, I lost my only Pearl.

To dream of my Dulcinea, to tame my Kate, the shrew,
To carry Corie up five flights of stairs, to simply say "I love you"
I fear the time for that is past, our happy ending long overdue,
While we were busy learning our lines, we both missed our cue.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Wrong turns, flat tire, and a valley of Goblins

Ted, Dantzel, her sister Hannah, and I decided to go camping this weekend. Ted had found a state park some 3 hours south of Provo called Goblin Valley, and we decided it was worth a visit. And that is where the adventure begins. “It is a dangerous business walking out your front door” they say, and they are right. We actually left much later than we had originally planned, and ended up driving around on back roads at around midnight, in the total dark, and missing the turnoff to the campground. Instead we drove around for hours on dirt roads that twisted and wound around on themselves, with sometimes sharp drop-offs on the side. It was fun, as we kept seeing signs to the campground we were looking for that seemed to point off in different directions, most of them back the way we had come. Eventually we found the campground, at around 2:30 in the morning, probably causing our neighbors a lot of trouble. As we unpacked our tents and stuff we noticed that the back left tire was flat; a perfect end to a perfect day! But, being way too tired to care about it; we simply set up camp and went to sleep, thinking to fix it in the morning. So, after waking up we looked at the tire, and we had pretty much shredded it, having driven some unknown distance on it flat. But, I have a spare and a tire changing kit in the Blazer, so it wasn’t a problem. But it was. We spent at least an hour simply trying to get the spare tire to lower from its resting place on the underside of the car, as the mechanism for lowering it was very stuck and wouldn’t budge an inch. Some neighboring campers let us use some WD-40, which only made it all slippery and harder to use. I had reached a point where I was ready to simply cut the cable that held the spare tire in place and worry about the problems that caused later, preferably when we were safely home in Provo. But when I had reached rock-bottom, when my knowledge and strength were at their end, I turned to the Lord. Of course I had prayed, I had prayed almost constantly from the time I found out the tire was flat, but still no answer had come as to how to fix it. It was then, when I was at my end, that I turned to the scriptures. I opened and began to read, not really expecting to find any information about changing a tire, though I was tempted to look up tire in the Topical Guide, but expecting that the Lord would speak to my mind and my heart those things I needed as I showed him to what lengths I was willing to go in order to receive an answer from him. And the answers came. It was suggested that we walk to the Ranger Station and maybe borrow something to cut the cable, or something. But when the ranger came to help, he pulled out a ratcheting tire iron from his truck, which he said he had just put in there the day before. That simple tool was all that we needed to get the necessary torque and lower the spare tire. Once the tire was lowered it was a fairly quick job of changing the tire, and we had no more problems. And so, with the tire fixed, and our transportation home in working order again, we decided to go hiking around the rock formations of Goblin Valley, and we had a good time. We saw some amazing things, some amazing views and simply had ourselves a great hike. And in the end, it was a good camping trip, though next time I think I shall do a few things differently. It was a learning experience for us all, but mostly for me. I reached a point mentally and spiritually where all of the things that have happened in the past few weeks came together and coupled with the flat tire experience to teach me a lesson I need to learn: complete dependence on God. I need to learn to let my will be swallowed up in his, and I need to learn that it is only through him that I can do all things. And with this camping trip, I reached a point where I could do no more of myself and the only solution was to turn to God. And as he has so often promised, if we seek him he shall be found, if we ask he shall answer.

And so in the Valley of Goblins I faced and conquered a devil in my heart. Though I did not bring my broadsword, I was armed with the Word of the Lord written in my heart and in the scriptures. The battle was long and fierce, and in the end I stood victorious with my faithful Friend at my side, in whose strength I can do all things.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

so, today I was in the HBLL, doing a little research for a paper due next week. I'm writing a paper on the influence Martin Luther has on an LDS audience. Yeah, I know, I kinda bit off more than I should've. I don't have hardly enough time to do enough research to write this paper as well as it deserves. And on top of it all, it seems that no one else has ever written on this subject. Everybody seems to only think of Martin Luther as the starter of the Reformation, but he was much more than that; he taught a ton of christian doctrine, he wrote literally hundreds of books and pamphlets, which are full of amazing doctrine. but oh well.
So, I was down in the Religion section looking at all the books on, about, or by Martin Luther (it's crazy how many there are!), and when my mind was full, and I was ready to leave, I went walking down a random aisle towards the door, and that's when I saw it!! A Luther Bible from 1826!! Right there on the shelf, with other Luther Bibles from 1830, 1836, 1847, 1851 etc. I was so amazed. So I had to browse through it!

And needless to say, for the next couple days I shall probably be hard to get a hold of as I will spend every moment that I can in the library reading what Luther wrote and forming my own opinions as to why it's so important.

I'm a big fan of Luther, and the more I read, the more I love him!

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

"I wanna be the very best, like no one ever was..."

So, i was cruising around Helium and i found a silly little debate, "Which is more powerful, the Light Side or the Dark Side of the Force in Star Wars?" It seemed like a silly little debate, but one that had potential to be fun. So I told Ted about it, and we discussed the pros and cons of both the Light Side and the Dark Side for a while. Then we decided we should take opposing views and both write on Helium in a >>>>>>>

So, I chose to debate that the Dark Side is more powerful, and I wrote a quick little article, took me about 45 minutes or so, and posted it with baited breath, waiting to see how my writing would be received. And in the end I came out on top!!! My article is # 1!! I AM THE BEST!

It's a nice feeling to be number 1, and I think I'm gonna be bragging about this for quite some time.

P.S. Ted's article has also risen to be Number 1!! We are both the best, we shall rule the writing galaxy as Father and Son . . . or as really good friends, yeah, it'll be as really good friends.


random ramblings

The page sits there blank in stark contrast to the confusion in my mind. Thoughts, ideas, words running around, tumbling, jumbling, not making sense. Something needs to be written, something begs to be written, but somehow I've lost the ability to organize these thoughts into any fashion of coherence. So, with pen in hand and page before me, I begin to write and I hope that my muse continues to inspire me and guide my pen as it pours these words onto the page. But the words make no sense, there's no connection between them; the confusion in my mind has transferred itself on the page, marring the beautiful blankness that was there before. And now that the purity is forever robbed nothing remains but to fill the page with such ramblings in the hope that a word or two, or a thought or two, can give this page value again. As it sits there, blank, a world of possibilities lies open before it. It has inestimable value, but value only in anticipation of what can be done with it. But as soon as the first marks of ink destroy the white purity. mar the innate beauty of a blank page, it's only hope for value and of being retained lies in what is written thereon. If there be some words of wisdom, counsel, advice, some elegant explanation of some profound principle or simply the warm greeting of a loved one, then it is enough, this page has fulfilled its purpose and can be esteemed as of worth. But if , however, there appears on the page merely the random rambling of someone too bored, confused, or desperate, then the page has been misused and, in effect, wasted. The worth of an object lies in the value placed upon it by others. If the words that are written are esteemed as being worth reading then the page is kept and has value; if not then the page is discarded and never thought about again. It was a simple thing, yet it was everything to that sheet of paper. It all began with a possibility and a hope of value, yet as soon as the pen touched paper destiny was being written.

Writing is therapeutic, they say. One loses oneself in the act and is surprised at the result.