Friday, September 11, 2009


And it came to pass that thus passed away the ninety and fifth year also, and the people began to forget those signs and wonders which they had heard, and began to be less and less astonished at a sign or a wonder from heaven, insomuch that they began to be hard in their hearts, and blind in their minds, and began to disbelieve all which they had heard and seen—
2 Imagining up some vain thing in their hearts, that it was wrought by men and by the power of the devil, to lead away and deceive the hearts of the people; and thus did Satan get possession of the hearts of the people again, insomuch that he did blind their eyes and lead them away to believe that the doctrine of Christ was a foolish and a vain thing.
3 And it came to pass that the people began to wax strong in wickedness and abominations; and they did not believe that there should be any more signs or wonders given; and Satan did ago about, leading away the hearts of the people, tempting them and causing them that they should do great wickedness in the land.
3 Nephi 2:1-3

Now it came to pass that there were many of the rising generation that could not understand the words of king Benjamin, being little children at the time he spake unto his people; and they did not believe the tradition of their fathers.
2 They did not believe what had been said concerning the resurrection of the dead, neither did they believe concerning the coming of Christ.
Mosiah 26:1-2

Today is September 11th. That means quite a lot to an American audience. It was 8 years ago that we witnessed a terrible terrorist attack right here, in our own country. We had heard for years about bombings and explosions and whatnot in other countries, but it all seemed so foreign to us, it could never happen here. And then it did.

But that was 8 years ago. It's in the past. I look around today, and there are some vestiges of remembrance, flags are flown at half-staff today, there was a moment of silence in my class this morning, I read an article or two online about remembering, but that seems to be it. For the most part we have forgotten. We don't really remember what it felt like to live through that day. The horror, the terror, the unknowing-ness that we experienced are gone. I am reminded of the Nephites, as quoted in the first verses above, they had seen a miracle, witnessed an event of astronomical wonder. A day and a night and a day without any darkness, as if it were one day. And then 5 years later, they "began to forget" or worse "began to be less and less astonished at a sign or a wonder from heaven". I always marveled at those verses, wondering how a people could forget something as spectacular as that, and then I look around at our country today and I begin to understand. We to have begun to forget, or worse, we're beginning to be less and less astonished at terrorist attacks, at news of bombings and killings and death.

Of course, I am speaking of us collectively, as a nation, because I know full-well that individually many of us remember. I have a good friend who grew up in the Bronx, whose family was there in New York that day. I had the opportunity to act with him in a play he wrote about his remembrances and experiences, and those of his family. To talk with him, to act with him in this play was truly emotionally draining. I had heard actors talk about a role being emotionally draining before, but hadn't quite understood, it was just repeating lines and walking back and forth, how could that be draining? It wasn't until I was in this play, titled 6 for the 6 stories that it told and having been written 6 years later, that I understood. To portray that part, of a father not knowing where his children were, if they were safe or not, while still trying to maintain a positive front in order to support his wife was hard. To do that again and again and again, without becoming jaded with it, to keep it fresh and new each time, because to the audience it was new, was even harder.

I must admit, I had very little personal experience to draw from. I felt much like the 'rising generation' spoken of in the second scriptural passage above. I was a little too young at the time to fully grasp the situation, and I was not personally affected. I grew up in Seattle, Washington. A whole continent away. I had never been to NY, never seen the Twin Towers, never even known anybody who lived there. It wasn't really real to me at the time. People kept saying it was like watching a movie, being stuck there glued to the TV. For me, it was. It was just as real as watching one of those disaster movies, I had the same emotional connection, or lack of one, I guess.

So where am I going with all of this? I really don't know. Today is just one of those days that requires some quiet reflection and deep thought. I needed to write something, to get these thoughts down and out in the open. Do with them what you will.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

So, I've been on a writing kick recently! And New Play Project just advertised for a new upcoming show, Bad Play Project! They were asking for bad play submissions. I thought, that sounds like fun, I'm sure that I can write a bad play. But it's harder than it looks. What constitutes a bad play? No plot? Poor characterization? Lousy dialog? Then why would someone want to see this play? It seems to me then, that to write a purposely bad play one must write a good play but in a bad way.
So, I wrote a play. It is mostly inspired by a line in the email that New Play Project sent out advertising this event. " All the plays chosen will be performed as a staged reading, so crazy stage directions (man explodes) are entirely possible." In my Shakespeare class earlier that week, we had been discussing the play The Winter's Tale, and how it contains one of the most famous stage directions Shakespeare ever wrote, "Exit, pursued by a bear." We watched a film clip of the director for the Royal Shakespeare Company talking about how hard it is to stage this, as he said "The problem is not 'exit, pursued by a bear' the problem is 'enter bear'!" How do you get a bear to enter?
And this led me to thinking. And I wrote a play, "Pursued by a bear"

Let me know what you think!


Good evening and welcome to tonight's scholarly look at The Winter's Tale by William Shakespeare. I'll be your scholar and host, Professor Geoffrey Spencer Hall. We begin tonight where we left off yesterday, with Act III, Scene 3, the sea coast of Bohemia, a shipwreck.
This scene is possibly one of the more famous of this somewhat less than famous work by the Bard. Here we met Antigonus, a lord of Sicilia, carrying the infant daughter of King Leontes, who has been banished by the mad king who suspects the child of being the issue and evidence of adultery on the part of his wife and queen. Antigonus cannot bear to see the young innocent child killed, so he has a plan: he will leave her on the shore in the hopes that someone will find her. And just as he is abandoning her we have the most famous stage direction ever written: "Exit, pursued by a bear."

(Enter Antigonus, running, pursued by a bear)


Aaaaaah! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Bear! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!


There actually is no bear.


Wha? But I'm being pursued by a bear.


No, you're not.


Yes, I am. It says right there in the script, "Exit, pursued by a bear." !


Yes, that's what the script says, but there is no actual bear.


Then what's that pursuing me?


The bear is merely a symbol, it never actually existed. Shakespeare uses the bear as a symbol of Mother Nature, of nature, and of mothers in general. It is a well known adage that one must never come between a mother bear and her cubs; her rage at anyone seen to be meddling with her offspring is legendary. And here Shakespeare uses a bear to exact Nature's revenge upon the character of Antigonus, who is in the very act of exposing a child to the elements.


I didn't mean to, I am bound to serve my king! I wasn't going to kill her, I swear!


Of course you weren't! Not after that dream you had last night.


How do you know about my dream?


It's in the script, you give a big long monologue about it, describing how Hermoine, the queen and mother to this child, appeared to you in a vision. How you know by this apparition that she has died, most likely from grief at being spurned by her husband, labeled adulteress and traitor by her king, and having her newborn daughter ripped from her to be disposed of. She threatened you for undertaking this act, the will of your mad king, her husband, and swore in her wrath that you would never again see your own wife.


Wow! That's exactly what happened! You're good.


Four centuries of scholars have debated on this subject. In your dream you saw the mother of the child you intended to kill come to avenge the wrongs done against her, and when you were about to leave her child to be exposed and die of the elements, the ultimate angry mother figure, the bear, appears to pursue and devour you.


You mean I'm going to get eaten, too? That sucks! I'm just doing what I'm told.


Indeed you are. It seems Shakespeare is making a point here that was way ahead of its time, and would not become official until the Geneva Convention: that soldiers are not exempt from warcrimes or crimes against humanity simply because they were following orders. You were expected to disobey inhumane orders. What are you, a Nazi?


What's a Nazi?


Never mind.

(Sound cue: Bear roar and crashing through trees)


What was that?


What was what?


That roaring and crashing sound I just heard? Is that the bear coming to get me?


Don't be ridiculous! I've told you there is no bear.


I know, I know. It's a symbol. But I'm pretty sure I just heard a bear.


No, you didn't. But even if you did, I mean, even if there was an actual bear in the play, it is not pursuing you as much as it is being pursued.


What does that mean?


Bear-baiting was a very popular form of public entertainment in Shakespeare's day. Bears would be brought in and chained to a stake in the middle of a pit or theatre-like arena called a bear garden, and then trained hunting dogs would be loosed upon it until either the bear or the dogs were dead. And people would take bets on which would win the fight.


That's cruel!


Not in Shakespeare's day, which is also yours, so shut up! It was much enjoyed by royalty and commoners alike. The only evidence we have of people disapproving of the sport in Shakespeare's time only complained that it was being performed on Sundays, which the Puritans saw as 'breaking the Sabbath'.


And what does that have to do with me, and my imminent doom?


There is no doom! That bear in the play is not pursuing you, it is being pursued by dogs for sport! Shakespeare has written this bear into the play as either a clever social commentary or a cheap appeal to the audience's baser pleasures.


You mean, that this bear is chasing me because it is trying to exact revenge upon an Elizabethan society which revels in bear-baiting? It's gonna eat me to stop me from siccing my dogs upon it and killing it?


That's one theory, yeah. The other is that Shakespeare knew that bear-baiting was so popular and sought to give his public what they wanted: cheap entertainment in the form of a bear attack.


A bear attacking me is entertainment?!


Sure, it's funny! In a morbid, schadenfreude sort of way.


Taking pleasure in my pain? Is that what Nazi is?


Close enough. Anyway, are we clear now that the bear is simply a symbol, or a figment of the mind? Something meant to encourage scholarly debate?


If you say so. Though it sounds to me like scholars are kinda grasping at straws, here.


What do you mean by that?


Well, it's been four hundred years since these plays were written, right?


Yeah ...


And there has been this 'scholarly debate' since pretty much the beginning, right?


Yes. Learned men have been discussing the deeper themes and meanings ever since the first performance of William Shakespeare's first play.


Which means, that by now, you've probably run out of new intelligent things to say about them.


Wait a minute. These works are so universal, so wonderful-


That there will always be new things to discuss? Do you really believe that? Or are you just trying to justify your career?


Well, maybe you've got a point. But it doesn't change the fact that scholars agree that the bear in this play is not an actual bear but a symbol of something much more important!

(Bear growls and tree branch breaking sounds get louder)


Oh, you mean that bear? That bear getting very dangerously close here, is just a symbol? A symbol of what?


Of ... Of .... Of deeper themes. Of deep intellectual meaning. Of ... Of irony and wit and scholarly stuff!


Right. It looks to me like it's just a hungry bear.


Which is exactly what it is! But it's only hungry because it's been starved to make it more aggressive when they send the dogs at it. It is a SYMBOL!

(Enter Bear, growling.)


Bear! Aaaaaah! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Bear! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!

(Exit. Pursued by a bear.)

Saturday, March 28, 2009

On Writing

Haven't written in a long time. And i guess that's really my problem. I should write more. Not necessarily here on the blog, but in general. Lately i've had this desire to write. I have these ideas, i need to put down on paper, but then i'm just a little lazy. I don't take the time or make the effort to write. But i need to.

That being said, here's a new short play that i'm working on.

I call it "Don't Jump!"

Don't Jump

(2 is standing on a bridge, looking out, leaning over the railing. 1 walks by)

1- Don't jump!

2- What!?

1- What?

2- What did you say?

1- I said ... (sheepishly) Don't jump.

2- Why would you say that?

1- I don't know. It was a joke. I thought it'd be funny. You were standing there at the railing and ... (trails off pathetically) (pause) Sorry. Have a nice day!

2- No.

1- No?

2- No. I'm not having a nice day. This is not a nice day. And I don't think it's going to be a nice day!

1- I'm ... sorry.


1- Is there anything I can do?

2- No. Just go ... go.

(1 turns to leave)

2- Wait! (1 turns back) There is something you can do, if you still want to.

1- Sure, what do you need?

2- (pause) Push me.

1- What!?

2- I need you to push me.

1- Why should I do that!?

2- I had it all planned. All decided. This needed to happen, it needs to happen. But now that I'm standing here ... I can't do it. I need you to push me.

1- No! I can't. That's considered murder, or at least assisted suicide, which is illegal in most states!

2- Fine then! Just go. Turn around, walk off there. I'll figure something out on my own. (muttering - I always have to figure things out on my own. No one ever wants to help me.
something like that)


1- (stands there uncomfortably, wants to leave, but doesn't want to leave 2 there alone) Um .... why?

2- Why what!?

1- Why are you doing this? What could drive you to such an extreme?

2-Why do you care? Do you really want to know, or are you just morbidly curious?

1-I'm ... um ... Well, to be honest, I am a little curious. What drives a person to do contemplate such a thing?

2- Why should I tell you. You don't know me. I'm nobody to you, I'm nobody to anybody.

1- No, no. You are. Sure, I guess I don't know you. I mean, we've never met, I don't know your name . . . I'm John. (extends hand)

2- I'm ... Gary. (shakes hand)

1- Well then, now I know you!

2- (chuckles) Yeah. now you do.

And that's what i've got so far. I just don't know where to take this play, what i want it to say. I don't want it to be easy, i don't want to solve all the problems. I want to leave it sort of "up in the air" so that maybe i can submit it to New Play Project's festival in June.

We'll see what happens.